CIKLab is an online solution allowing you to organise your control plans and easily track your quality control analyses. This solution is particularly well suited to companies that subcontract their analyses to external laboratories, but also works very well for those who have an internal laboratory and simply want to improve analysis organisation and tracking.
CIKLab is the only SaaS solution that allows you tolink together your products, control plans, analyses and internal and external laboratories.

Control plans
CIKLab allows you to create your control plans and group together all your specification files in a standardised, automated system. Rather than handling hundreds of files and tabs, all your products and batches are in the same place, and you can find them easily with search tools and filters. When you create a new item, you just need to go to your analysis catalogue and add those you need for the product in question. Then, for each product and analysis, you adjust the required specification and schedule.
To edit your technical files, you just need to select the analysis or test lines you want to appear. Then, in a single click, you edit your specification file and control plan.
The “Duplicate” feature also allows you to create product templates per category, and copy them to create a new item. This saves a huge amount of time when managing large and dynamic product portfolios.
Finally, with an another of CIKLab features, you can export all your test data in a single click. This allows you to analyse changes to analysis results over your chosen period, and cross-reference your product quality data. This is a real opportunity for continuous improvement and operational excellence.
Batch management
With CIKLab batch management features, you can easily create a new batch from the product item code. The analyses, specifications, schedules and subcontractor laboratories appear automatically.
You can edit analysis order forms in a single click, and thanks to CIKLab, you always have a precise overview of your analyses and deadlines for all your batches. If there is a non-compliant result, a notification is displayed on the home page to allow you deal with it straight away.
. If you need a counter-analysis or to test a new parameter, you just need to add a new analysis from your catalogue with “Drag/Drop”.
After determining the compliance of analysis results and batches, CIKLab simplifies certificate of analysis editing and validation and allows you to sign your certificates of analysis electronically and generate them directly in PDF format.
Finally, to easily find different product batches, you can filter batches by status (new, in progress, closed) and complete searches based on relevant fields (product, batch, creation date, closing date, supplier batch number, etc.)
Laboratory network
CIKLab also helps you to develop your subcontractor laboratory network. You can easily save and list your different internal and external analysis laboratories. For each laboratory, you can indicate the analyses it performs, as well as details on the analysis price, time frame and test samples. Thanks to CIKLab features, you can easily compare the offers from your different service providers for the same analysis.
In the same place you can save and find all the relevant information on your service providers: presentation brochure, analysis catalogue, COFRAC accreditation, annual price offer, contract, etc.
Finally, on each laboratory’s page, you can view all analyses that you have in progress with them for all your products. This makes it easier to track deadlines and analyses in progress.
Ordering analyses
When creating a new batch, CIKLab automatically indicates the tests you should carry out, and pre-orders the most common analyses. By viewing the previous analysis history, you can determine whether to start others. Once the analyses are selected, you can create your order forms in a single click. You can also issue a sample identification label.
All your analyses in progress for all your products, all your batches and at all your laboratories are grouped into a dynamic list. This makes it easier to track deadlines, and allows you to anticipate potential delays.
Where applicable (summer shutdown, excessively long delays, counter-analysis, etc.), you can change the laboratory where you want to carry out an analysis. You can also save the results of your suppliers, analyses carried out on raw materials or obtained through calculations.
Security and accessibility
CIKLab guarantees security for your entire quality control system. The CIKLab connection is secure, only authorised individuals have access to the software using personal credentials. Depending on the user profile, you can assign different permissions (administrator, supervisor, contributor and visitor). The visitor will have read-only permissions, the others can save analyses and results. Only the administrator and supervisors can close batches.
Finally, all actions carried out using CIKLab features are saved and time stamped to track changes, if needed. All data is backed up daily and replicated on two separate servers in France.